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Party leader: VN to become modern industrialised country


The report was presented by Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh atthe opening session of the 11 th National Party Congress in Hanoion Jan. 12.

The Vietnam News Agency published main contents of the report.

Reviewingfive years of implementing the 10 th Party Congress’s resolution, thereport identified advantages brought about by the renewal process andinternational integration, as well as mentioning difficulties andchallenges caused by deep-rooted weaknesses of the national economy.

Italso mentioned natural disasters, disease epidemics, complicateddevelopments in the region and the world, impacts from the globaleconomic recession and financial crisis, as well as subversive andviolence-incited activities and the “peaceful revolution” undertaken byhostile forces.

By looking into those, the report affirmed thatin such circumstances, the entire Party and the entire people hadexerted efforts to fight off difficulties and challenges and attainedimportant achievements in implementing the goals and tasks set forth bythe 10 th Party Congress.

The national economy surmounted anarray of difficulties and challenges to basically maintain stability ofthe macro economy and maintain a high growth rate, with all sectorsposting steps of development, so the potential, strength and scale ofthe national economy has been enlarged.

Improvements were made inthe fields of education and training, science and technology, cultureand other social domains while due attention was given to the protectionof natural resources and the environment.

The people’s livingconditions were made better, politics and society stabilised, nationaldefence and security reinforced, and national independence, sovereignty,unity and territorial integrity maintained.

The country’sexternal relations and international integration have been expanded, andits prestige and position in the international arena has beenheightened.

Progress was made in promoting democracy and the national great unity bloc continued to be consolidated.

The building of the law-ruled socialist state has been stepped up to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its operation.

The building and rectification of the Party has been boosted and gained positive outcomes.

Aftermentioning the achievements, the report pointed out existing problems,including economic development that is not yet sustainable,competitiveness remaining low, and the slow pace of economicrestructuring.

There were limitations and weaknesses ineducation, training, science and technology, culture, social affairs,environmental protection, as well as in the fight against bureaucracy,corruption, waste, and social evils.

The report spoke franklyabout objective and subjective causes, studying theories and summing upreality failing to meet requirements, a proportion of State officials,Party members, and civil servants having poor capacity and quality,forecasting capacity in many fields staying weak, the Party’s leadershipand the State’s management and execution over a number of areas lackingfocus and resolve, and the organisation of implementation work beinginadequate.

Looking back over ten years of implementing the2001-10 socio-economic development strategy, the report said the countryseized opportunities and advantages, overcoming numerous difficultiesand challenges, reaped extremely important and huge achievements, andfulfilled a host of major goals of the strategy.

The economy grewquickly at an annual average rate of 7.2 percent and its structureshifted positively. Institutions for the country’s market economy tooperate with socialist orientations continued to be perfected.

In 2010, the country’s GDP recorded a 3.4-fold rise over 2000 as calculated in real prices.

Therewas a five-fold rise in state budget collection and export value in theyear over the past ten years while GDP per capita stood at 1,168 USDlast year.

Cultural and social fields recorded important gains ina wide range of aspects, socio-political stability maintained, defenceand security reinforced and external relations and internationalintegration boosted.

“After 20 years of implementing the 1991Platform, we have gained huge achievements of historical significance,”the report underlined.

It affirmed the country initially carriedout the renewal successfully to escape its less-developed status. Thepolitical system and the national great unity bloc were strengthened andenhanced.

The country maintained its independence, sovereignty,unity and territorial integrity and its position and prestige on theinternational arena was elevated.

Vietnam ’s synergy was amplified, creating a premise for the country to continue to grow more robustly on the socialist path.

From the reality mentioned above, the 10 th Party Central Committee drew five major experiences.
They included persisting in implementing the guidelines and goals setfor the renewal, being consistent, creatively applying and developingMarxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, and firmly pressing ahead withthe goal of national independence and socialism.

Due attention must also be given to growth quality and effectiveness and sustainable development.

Economicgrowth must be associated closely with the promotion of socialadvancement and justice, cultural development and the strengthening ofdefence and security.

In particular, the Party must be developedand strengthened in all spheres with its leadership and instructionsmust be sharp, resolute, creative and keep abreast with reality in thecountry.

On the transitional period to socialism in Vietnam ,the report confirmed the 1991 Platform on National Construction borevalues that served as orientations and guidelines leading the Vietnamesepeople through the past two decades.

It underscored the need to “continue study, supplement, and develop the Platform”.

Onthe basis of inheriting the valuable viewpoints and ideologies of the1991 Platform and at the same time keeping abreast with reality in thecountry and the time, the Platform should be supplemented with issuesthat prove to be true and adjustments for the contents that are nolonger suitable.

The overall goal set for the country when itaccomplishes the transitional period to socialism will be a fundamentalbase completed for a socialist economy with suitable political,ideological and cultural superstructure so as to lay a foundation forthe country to become a prosperous and happy socialist country.

Between now to mid-21 st century, the entire Party and the entire people must do the following tasks:

-Step up national industrialisation and modernisation in combinationwith developing a knowledge-based economy and protecting naturalresources and the environment.
-Develop a market economy in line with socialist orientation.
-Develop an advanced culture, deeply imbued with national identity,promoting human development, raising the people’s living conditions, andimplementing social progress and equality.
-Securely maintain national defence and security, and social order and safety.
-Pursue an external policy of independence, self-reliance, peace,friendship, cooperation and development, and be proactive and active ininternational integration.
-Build a socialist democracy and implement the national great unity
-Build a socialist state ruled by law of the people, by the people and for the people.
-Further make the Party pure and strong.

Regardingthe tasks for the country’s development in the 2011-15 period, thereport analysed the reality as well as development trends in the countryand the world at large and concluded, “The 2011-20 socio-economicdevelopment strategy will look to continue speeding up industrialisationand modernisation and promoting fast, sustainable development, bringinginto full play the entire nation’s strength, and make the countrybecome a basic industrialised one that operates in line with socialistorientation”.

To translate that guiding ideology, the 2011-20socio-economic development strategy adopted five development viewpoints,including fast development going hand in hand with sustainabledevelopment, undertaking the renewal uniformly and suitably in both theeconomic and political spheres, expanding democracy with the peoplebeing the subject, the key resource, and the goal of development,boosting the development of production forces with ever higherscientific and technological levels and at the same time perfectingproduction relations and institutions for the socialist-oriented marketeconomy, and being persistent in building a highly independent andself-reliant economy in the context of in-depth internationalintegration.

The overall goal of the strategy is tostrive to turn the country into a basic industrialised and modernisedone by 2020. It includes social and political stability, democracy,discipline, and consensus, remarkable improvements in the people’smaterial and spiritual life, maintenance of national independence,sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and higher position andprestige of the country in the world arena, thus creating a premise for ahigher development level in the next phase.

The country’s GDP isset to grow 7-8 percent a year with the rate for 2020 being a 2.2-foldrise over 2010 and GDP per capital being 3,000 USD.

The value of hi-tech products and hi-tech applied products aims for 45 percent of the nation’s GDP.

Thevalue of manufactured industrial products is targeted to account for 40percent of the industrial production value. Productivity is tocontribute at least 35 percent to the growth value.

The countryaims to enter the world’s upper average group in terms of HumanDevelopment Index (HDI) and its life expectancy averages 75.

More than 70 percent of the workforce will be trained and the number of poor households will be reduced by 2 percent a year.

By2020, a number of areas in the science, technology, education andhealthcare will reach advanced, modern levels, the environment will beimproved, and the country is able to proactively and effectively dealwith natural disasters, climate change and especially sea level rise.

The strategy defined three breakthroughs, including perfecting theinstitution of a socialist-oriented market economy, rapidly developinghuman resources, especially high-quality resources, and building asystem of infrastructure facilities in tandem with a number of modernworks.

The 2011-15 period is an important phase in implementing the 2011-20 socio-economic development strategy.

Theoverall goal of the next five years is continuing to enhance theParty’s leadership and combat capacity, speeding up comprehensively therenewal process, building a pure and strong political system, promotingdemocracy and the national great unity, developing the economy in a fastand sustainable manner, raising the people’s material and spirituallives, maintaining socio-political stability, boosting externalactivities, firmly defending national independence, sovereignty, unityand territorial integrity, and laying a foundation for the country tobecome a modern, industrialised country by 2020.

To achieve the above-mentioned goals in the next five years we muststrive to achieve major targets including an average economic growthrate of 7-7.5 percent, a per capita GDP growth to around 2,000 USD in2015, agriculture representing 17-18 percent of the GDP, industry andconstruction, 41-42 percent while services, 41-42 percent and the rateof trained labourers must reach 55 percent.

Exportrevenues must record an average yearly rise of 12 percent and the tradedeficit must be reduced so imports and exports can be balanced by 2020,while State overspending represents only 4.5 percent of the GDP by 2015.Eight million jobs will be created and the population will grow by 1percent by 2015. Average longevity will reach 74 in 2015 and the povertyrate under the new standard will see a yearly reduction of 2 percentwhile forest coverage will reach 42-43 percent in 2015.

The report stressed the importance of continuing to perfect the marketeconomic institution in line with socialist orientation, renew thegrowth model and economic structure and accelerate the industrialisationand modernisation process and fast and sustainably develop the economyin which all forms of ownership and all economic sectors and differentforms of businesses must be strongly developed; all market factors andmarket types must be synchronously boosted.

To enhancethe role of the Party leadership and the effectiveness and efficiencyof the State management of the socialist-oriented market economy.

To reform the growth model and restructure the economy, the report putforward tasks to strongly develop industry and construction towardsmodernity; develop agriculture in a comprehensive, effective andsustainable manner towards industrialisation and modernisation whilecompetently handling rural and farmers issues; strongly develop servicesectors, particularly high value-added services; and focus onconstruction to create breakthroughs in setting up infrastructuralfacilities.

The report proposed tasks to developculture, education and training, science and technology, environmentalprotection; and implement social equality and progress in each policyand step of development. It also affirmed that socio-culturaldevelopment must harmonise with economic development; environmentalprotection is the responsibility of the whole political system, theentire society and every citizen; and implementing social progress andequality in each instruction and step of development is the Party andState’s great consistent policy, reflecting the fine and good nature ofthe socialist regime.

The report considered securityand defence as regular key tasks of the Party, State and the entirepeople in which the People’s Army and the People’s Police function ascore forces and building an all-people solid defence and an all-peoplesolid security is the country’s long-term policy.

Thereport emphasised the requirement to expand diplomatic activities and beproactive in international integration by consistently pursuing aforeign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation anddiversification; maintaining a stable and peaceful environment for thedevelopment; firmly defending independence, sovereignty, unity andterritorial integrity; and raising the nation’s position so as toactively contribute to the struggle for peace, national independence,democracy and social progress in the world.

Onupholding the socialist democracy and the strength of the national greatunity, the report defined that the socialist democracy is the nature ofour regime which is both the goal and the driving force of nationaldevelopment. By continuing to build and perfect the socialist democracyand ensuring that the entire State power belongs to the people, everypolicy and law of the Party and State are for the interests of thepeople.

The national great unity is the strategicpolicy of Vietnam ’s revolution, the source of strength, a maindriving force and a decisive factor for the success of the nationalconstruction and defence.

For building a greatVietnamese family of equality, solidarity and mutual respect andassistance for common progress, the report asserted further improving ofbelief and religious policies and laws to match with the Party’s stancein the country’s new period of development, respecting religions’ finecultural and ethical values; and encouraging dignitaries, followers andreligious organisations to live the gospel amidst the nation andactively contribute to the national construction and defence.

The report also affirmed that overseas Vietnamese are an inseparablepart of the Vietnamese nation and pointed out the need of new mechanismsand policies to assist them in economic development, preserving andbringing into play the national cultural identity while keeping theirsentiments towards the fatherland.

To improve thesocialist law-governed State of the people, by the people, for thepeople under the leadership of the Party, the report pointed outcontents, including continuing to renovate the organisation andoperation of the State apparatus, implementing the judicial reformstrategy until 2020 and building a strong and transparent judicialsystem which protects and respects justice and human rights. Building acontingent of incorrupt and capable cadres and employees to meet the newsituation’s requirements and actively preventing and being determinedto combat, prevent and control corruption, waste and practise thriftare also included in the contents.

Regarding Partybuilding, the report affirmed that the Party is the pioneer team of theworking class and the pioneer team of the working people and theVietnamese nation as well as the loyal representative for the benefit ofthe working class, working people and the nation. The Party considersMarxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought as its ideological foundationand a lodestar for its activities and democratic concentration as itsbasic organising principle, said the report.

Thereport laid stress on the importance of accelerating Party building interms of political and ideological fields and increasing the Party’spolitical firmness and intellect; continuing to renovate and consolidatethe Party organisational apparatus and the political system andincrease Party members’ quality; continuing to renovate the personnelwork in a strong and synchronous manner and well implement the personnelstrategy of the new period; raising the efficiency of the Party’sinspection, supervision and mass mobilisation work; and continuing torenovate the Party leading methodology.

Concluding thereport, the Party General Secretary emphasised that the 11 th NationalParty Congress would reaffirm the will of the entire Party, people andarmy, with millions of people sharing the same grit to be active andcreative to take advantage of opportunities to overcome challenges, inorder to go on with the endeavour to raise the Party’s leading andcombat capacities.

The Party leader called for theupholding of strength of the entire people in comprehensively promotingthe renewal process for fast and sustainable national development with aview to successfully implementing the goal of a wealthy people and astrong, democratic, equitable and civilised nation moving steadilytowards socialism./.

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